Friday, 24 June 2016

The Lord will make PERFECT that which concerns me.

         Psalm 138 : 8   The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O Lord, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands.

     Psalm 138 is mainly a song of thanksgiving. Whatever it is that David went through, he has come out of it and now wants to Praise and Worship God. “With my whole heart I will sing praise to thee” is how he starts this song. Before the “gods”. Before all the people of the world.
   How many times in our life do we thank God, or Praise God? In this world today we are hearing only about a lot of negative things, be in the gun culture of USA, or the natural calamities that occur around the globe. Closer home in India, we see violence and strife on a daily basis. I dread to open the 2nd page of the newspaper now a days, as many a time it talks of horrific murders. The alarming fact is that the age of the masterminds who plan this is coming down and it is not only men today women also are equally in the race.
  Inspite of all this we are safe in God’s Arms, He will answer when we cry out and He will strengthen our soul. (vs 3).  We also need to learn to praise God similarly. He regards even the lowly too. In the time of crisis God has helped David and now he is Praising God from the bottom of his heart.
  Verse 8 talks that God will perfect all that concerns me. He has put us in this world for a beautiful purpose to be accomplished and He will Perfect it. Only we need to wait on the Lord with patience.
  Perfect. - How can you describe this? I remember a story of a sculptor carving an image on a stone. Right next to him was a finished piece of the deity that he was carving. A passer-by who was observing this asked the sculptor what happened to the first one, there does not seem to be any defect in it. To which he replied saying that there is a line on the nose. The passer-by asked him where this is going to be placed. The Sculptor pointed out a high tower on which this was going to be placed at the top. This intrigued the passer-by and he said so what no one will see it. The answer from the sculptor was, yes no one will see it but I know that there is a defect in it and it will hurt me.
Our God makes us PERFECT, Be it in the place we are in, the work we are doing, our relationships, our family, it will all be PERFECT.  He will not Forsake the work of HIS Hands, 
 He will not forsake us. What a beautiful promise. Can we praise God each moment of our lives, even for the very small things in our life that might seem insignificant but in His plans it is all big. As vs 7 says though we walk in the middle of difficulties He will Revive us. What a joy. What a blessing for this promise.
Thank God for whatever we have, Thank God for our family. Thank God for our Job or Professions. Thank God for the food we have. 
Oh give thanks to the Lord for His Love will never end